Saturday, May 10, 2008

Caribbean Cool - To Key-Weird

A very very very relaxing time had on the Caribbean Cruise of doing basically nothing, which was cool.
Taz did her Karaoking to much applause, while I partook in drinking many cocktails, that were quite yum.
San Juan we went on a lovely sunset cruise on a Catamaran minus the sunset but with lots of lovely people to talk too.
St Maarten, very hot, would have liked to be able to shop longer, but sadly because of Carnival shops closed at 2pm, beautiful blue water to admire.
Labadee, or Labadabadee as the Captain called it was a very beautiful tropical setting that was right out of the movies, and the perfect location for floating in the warm ocean whilst sipping on rum slushies. And yes, Taz did drink the alcohol... all praise Rum!
Key West or Key Weird as the locals call it had a very funky vibe and we would definitely like to go there again one day.
They also have some very macabre history we found out when we went on a ghost tour, which was much better than the one we went to in Montreal in 2006.
Coming next, our very last port of call... San Diego

Relaxing on Deck 4

Hello Man - St Maarten

Our glorius tug boat (little hey)

Labadabadee - Island Paradise... have no idea who the old couple in the pick are

Tour guide Ted in front of a house that once had a Voodoo cursed doll live in it

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