Friday, April 25, 2008

Orlando Florida Encompassed:

Disney World, Cape Kennedy Space Centre and Universal Studios, 7 days of fun and frivolity.
There’s too much to write about in one blog, so you’ll just have to content yourselves with the highlights and photographs.
19th – arriving in Disney World All Star Movies Resort
20th – Magic Kindom, the land of Princesses and Pirates – Best ride, Splash Mountain
21st – Hollywood Studio’s (aka MG) highlights were Fantasmic, a light, fire and water show of Mickey’s dreams and nightmares. Best ride … according to Weggie… was getting Taz on the Tower of Terror again.
22nd – Blizzard Water Park and Epcot – Highlight, floating on a tube around the water park, walking through the different countries in the Epcot Cultural World.
23rd – Animal Kingdom – Best rides, Kilamanjaro Safari, Mount Everest (for Juls and Taz) and also the Dinosaur Ride.
24th – Cape Kennedy Space Centre - Highlight was seeing the full sized Saturn V Rocket and the space centre Launch Pads.
25th – Universal Studio’s – Hollywood Make-Up Artist was the best show, very funny. Mummy’s Revenge for Taz was the best ride, and the Hulk Roller Coaster was Jul’s favourite.Next up, the Cruise of the Caribbean… ahoy me hearties.

Mickey magical hat entrance

Swimming pool area - cleaned by magical brooms

The Noon Day Parade in the Magic Kingdom

Weggie and Taz with their Princesses Crowns -Young at Heart

The Magic Kingdom Castle lit up at night

Fantasmic inside mickey's dreams and nightmares

The whole crew on the boat during Fantasmic

Round the world in 30 minutes at Epcot

Weggie and Juls in Epcot Germany

The rare sitting giraffe at Animal Kingdom

Cape Kennedy Space Centre - Awesome

The Saturn V Rocket- The Moon Rocket

Weggie and Taz by the Saturn V Rockert

Weggie and Taz as astronauts oh i can dream

Rocket Graveyard - Final Resting Place

Universal Globe

The Simpsons -D'Oh

E.T.'s High Commander

Men in Black Head Quarters

Inside Universal Studios


We arrived in New York on the 17th of April. With only 2 short nights in the worlds busiest city, we couldn’t afford to waste a single moment.
By the time we’d reached our hostel it was 10:00pm at night, by the time we left our hostel to get dinner and do a little exploring it was 10:30.
We caught the subway to Town Square where it felt more like mid-day than midnight with the bright lights of the city.
We got back to the hostel by midnight.
The next morning we left the hostel and walked down to Central Park, we walked through Central Park to the Gugenheim, then down Fifth Avenue. We stopped into FAO Shwartz, and the Apple factory before catching the subway again to Ground Zero and Century 21. Construction for the new buildings has gotten underway, but there appears to still be very little progress since last time.
We went back to Time Square and walked to 52nd Street, bought tickets for that nights showing of Jersey Boys, then went to the movies… Forgetting Sarah Marshall, very funny, must see when it comes out in Aus.
After the movie we visited Madame Tussaudes, before power-walking to the theatre for a very funny and entertaining Musical about The Four Seasons.
We got back to our hostel by midnight and after packing attempted to get a couple of hours sleep before we had to leave our hostel on a 2:50am pickup.
Our destination Disney World…

Taz posing on a rock in Central Park

Weggie in Central Park

Taz posing with the leggo Harry Potter Characters in F.A.O. Shwartz

Weggie posing with Captain Jack Sparrow

Taz posing with Superman at Madame Tusaudes

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Edmonton to Calgary

Back to civilisation ie shopping in Edmonton at the famous West Edmonton Mall. I did some major shopping Taz and Juls sat around til we got to the rollar coaster park inside the mall where Juls had fun riding the rides while Taz and I decide to scare ourselves silly in the haunted house. We also went to the movies and saw Leatherheads very funny movie.
Our drive to Lake Louise and Banff was fairly uneventful except for this one moment where our lives flashed before our eyes. Let me just say, ice, sudden snow storms and mountain roads are not a good combination and leave it at that. If you want to know more, ask the next time we call.
Lake Louise was very pretty especially with the snow falling we had afternoon tea at the Fairmont Chatteau see pictures below.
Banff is a really nice town and has some awesome views seeing that it is surrounded by mountains.
We drove to Calgary, where Juls and I did some shopping, Juls bought a new laptop computer, and Taz stayed at the hostel as she was feeling unwell.

Whale of a time Shopping

Pirates Ahoy

Putt Putt more like balls in water

Rollercoaster Madness

The skaters

Freezing Moments

My Lake

The Fairmont

Afternoon Tea Madness

The view from Banff

Sun Peak and Jasper National Park

We left Whistler early Friday morning for the 6 hour trip to Sun Peak.
Along this stretch we spotted some Deer, of which I managed to get a shot of it’s rear end as it bound down an embankment.
Sun Peak was the proverbial one horse town, primarily a ski resort location at the end of it’s season.
Juls cooked us dinner that night, then Juls and Weggie watched Jag while I used the computer. The hostel from the outside looked tiny but was deceptively bigger than expected, and ended up being quite a nice place to stay.
We left Sun Peak the next morning and drove the remaining 7 hour trip to Jasper National Park… Weggie managed to cut down the trip to a measly 5 hours. We also saw a wolf as we were leaving the Sun Peak area, although it was dead and lying in the middle of the road, so I don’t know if that counts for “wildlife spotting”. It was very sad.
We arrived in Jasper early afternoon and after checking into our hostel and dropping off our bags, we had lunch in town, then spent the remainder of our afternoon at Patricia Lake and Paradise Lake. Canada is just filled with amazingly beautiful scenery, and I in particular love the look of snow on the ground and on the mountains.
We left our hostel the next morning, and headed toward Edmonton, but not before taking a slight detour for some more National Park sight seeing. We drove first to Maligne Lake where we took a short walk in the snow… I say short because after Weggie fell, then I fell, and Juls sunk to his knees in one particularly deep section, we decided that it was a might bit too chilly to be wandering in the snow first thing in the morning. We stopped by Medicine Lake for a photograph, then drove down to Maligne Canyon where we got out and went on a short walk, Weggie and I slipping and sliding down the iced over path, while Juls bound on ahead, the boy’s a damn gazelle.
After that it was off to Edmonton and the West Edmonton Mall, reported to be the largest mall in all of North America, but Weggie will tell you more about that one…

View of the kind of snow we're dealing with on the way to Sun Peak

View of the Deer's backside as promised.

Weggie and Juls at a rest stop on the way to Sun Peak

Weggie and I enjoying the rest stop.

Me meditating at the rest stop... yes i meditate... really i do!

Me and Juls at Lake Patrica - Jasper

Juls throwing snow balls at me

Dock at Paradise Lake

Juls and i posing on our walk around Pyramid Lake

Weggie and I posing with a bear statue in Jasper

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Short Tofino & Whistler Stay

We started out late from Victoria for Tofino on the long and winding road that seemed to take forever to get there. Yet its a really scenic drive we got to see a bear on the side of the road which is very sureal but of course no one had the camera ready and Weggie was going a little to fast to stop, my bad. We finally rocked into Tofino at 8pm the place is very pretty as you can see from the photos below, the Hostel was very nice as well its a pity we had to leave at the crack of dawn for Whistler.

We left Tofino at 6am and started for Whistler we at least got to see the sunrise over the mountains it was awesome, after some road work blocks we arrived in Whistler our Hostel is on a frozen lake, sweet. We head for the main Village and Taz and Juls took the gondola up to the top i decide to stay at the bottom and not freeze to death. The next stop will be brought to you by Taz and is Sun Peak ciao for now.

The long and winding road da da

More road and some hidden mountain

Misty Mountain

Tofino Bay by Blue Night

Crazy Juls affected by the Blue Moon

Sunrise over the Mountains

The Unmisty Mountains

The Gondola Ride Up

At the top Juls dream ski runs

Yet again Crazy Juls in shorts & thermals

Taz at the centre of the universe