Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sun Peak and Jasper National Park

We left Whistler early Friday morning for the 6 hour trip to Sun Peak.
Along this stretch we spotted some Deer, of which I managed to get a shot of it’s rear end as it bound down an embankment.
Sun Peak was the proverbial one horse town, primarily a ski resort location at the end of it’s season.
Juls cooked us dinner that night, then Juls and Weggie watched Jag while I used the computer. The hostel from the outside looked tiny but was deceptively bigger than expected, and ended up being quite a nice place to stay.
We left Sun Peak the next morning and drove the remaining 7 hour trip to Jasper National Park… Weggie managed to cut down the trip to a measly 5 hours. We also saw a wolf as we were leaving the Sun Peak area, although it was dead and lying in the middle of the road, so I don’t know if that counts for “wildlife spotting”. It was very sad.
We arrived in Jasper early afternoon and after checking into our hostel and dropping off our bags, we had lunch in town, then spent the remainder of our afternoon at Patricia Lake and Paradise Lake. Canada is just filled with amazingly beautiful scenery, and I in particular love the look of snow on the ground and on the mountains.
We left our hostel the next morning, and headed toward Edmonton, but not before taking a slight detour for some more National Park sight seeing. We drove first to Maligne Lake where we took a short walk in the snow… I say short because after Weggie fell, then I fell, and Juls sunk to his knees in one particularly deep section, we decided that it was a might bit too chilly to be wandering in the snow first thing in the morning. We stopped by Medicine Lake for a photograph, then drove down to Maligne Canyon where we got out and went on a short walk, Weggie and I slipping and sliding down the iced over path, while Juls bound on ahead, the boy’s a damn gazelle.
After that it was off to Edmonton and the West Edmonton Mall, reported to be the largest mall in all of North America, but Weggie will tell you more about that one…

View of the kind of snow we're dealing with on the way to Sun Peak

View of the Deer's backside as promised.

Weggie and Juls at a rest stop on the way to Sun Peak

Weggie and I enjoying the rest stop.

Me meditating at the rest stop... yes i meditate... really i do!

Me and Juls at Lake Patrica - Jasper

Juls throwing snow balls at me

Dock at Paradise Lake

Juls and i posing on our walk around Pyramid Lake

Weggie and I posing with a bear statue in Jasper

1 comment:

Jeanios said...

Hi Tarryn and fellow travellers - sounds like you are having a fantastic time - making me jealous. Having said that "COME HOME TARRYN ALL IS FORGIVEN" I need you!!!! I'm going crazy - I have nightmares that you will decide to stay there and I'll be stuck with Mib and Specsavers and Tina and everything - hope you enjoy your last two weeks and don't worry, I'll save you somehting to do.
From your very nutty boss,