Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Short Tofino & Whistler Stay

We started out late from Victoria for Tofino on the long and winding road that seemed to take forever to get there. Yet its a really scenic drive we got to see a bear on the side of the road which is very sureal but of course no one had the camera ready and Weggie was going a little to fast to stop, my bad. We finally rocked into Tofino at 8pm the place is very pretty as you can see from the photos below, the Hostel was very nice as well its a pity we had to leave at the crack of dawn for Whistler.

We left Tofino at 6am and started for Whistler we at least got to see the sunrise over the mountains it was awesome, after some road work blocks we arrived in Whistler our Hostel is on a frozen lake, sweet. We head for the main Village and Taz and Juls took the gondola up to the top i decide to stay at the bottom and not freeze to death. The next stop will be brought to you by Taz and is Sun Peak ciao for now.

The long and winding road da da

More road and some hidden mountain

Misty Mountain

Tofino Bay by Blue Night

Crazy Juls affected by the Blue Moon

Sunrise over the Mountains

The Unmisty Mountains

The Gondola Ride Up

At the top Juls dream ski runs

Yet again Crazy Juls in shorts & thermals

Taz at the centre of the universe

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