Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Where Here by Weggie

So after taking what seemed like forever we finally made it to Vancouver,with all luggage accounted for thank god. Just a note still quite nippy here hot as hell inside though.
We met up with Juls who was not well but hopefully will be better soon. First day in Vancouver we went to Capilano Suspension bridge not good for people who have height fright but a really pretty area then took a drive down to lighthouse park and had a pinic very nice.
Last but not least we got our tickets for the convension yah

View of the bridge from afar

This wiggles and sway in the wind scary

Me and Juls So need better sunny soon

Juls Hanging in the middle

What you fall into if the bridge sways too much

Treetop walkway with lots of mini suspension bridge

Little Lighthouse and pretty view of the bay

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