Friday, April 25, 2008


We arrived in New York on the 17th of April. With only 2 short nights in the worlds busiest city, we couldn’t afford to waste a single moment.
By the time we’d reached our hostel it was 10:00pm at night, by the time we left our hostel to get dinner and do a little exploring it was 10:30.
We caught the subway to Town Square where it felt more like mid-day than midnight with the bright lights of the city.
We got back to the hostel by midnight.
The next morning we left the hostel and walked down to Central Park, we walked through Central Park to the Gugenheim, then down Fifth Avenue. We stopped into FAO Shwartz, and the Apple factory before catching the subway again to Ground Zero and Century 21. Construction for the new buildings has gotten underway, but there appears to still be very little progress since last time.
We went back to Time Square and walked to 52nd Street, bought tickets for that nights showing of Jersey Boys, then went to the movies… Forgetting Sarah Marshall, very funny, must see when it comes out in Aus.
After the movie we visited Madame Tussaudes, before power-walking to the theatre for a very funny and entertaining Musical about The Four Seasons.
We got back to our hostel by midnight and after packing attempted to get a couple of hours sleep before we had to leave our hostel on a 2:50am pickup.
Our destination Disney World…

Taz posing on a rock in Central Park

Weggie in Central Park

Taz posing with the leggo Harry Potter Characters in F.A.O. Shwartz

Weggie posing with Captain Jack Sparrow

Taz posing with Superman at Madame Tusaudes

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