Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Different Victoria

We caught the Ferry across to Victoria, from Vancouver on 7th of April, very smooth sailing for all.
In our first day in Victoria we took a walk around the small coastal city, to have a look at what the place offered. Then we went to the movies before coming back to our hostel and spent a quiet evening playing cards while doing our laundry.
Day two we enjoyed a Traditional High Tea at the Empress, a delightful hotel on the waterfront of Victoria Harbour. After that we went whale watching, Juls and I both got soaked, but Weggie, sitting snug in the middle of the boat hardly got a splash, however she had to put up with some discomfort as her nose was cold… notice the sarcasm. We were actually very lucky to spot some orca (killer whales) at this time of year as there is only one pod in the general vicinity, and they’re not always close enough to land to be reached by the tour company boats.
On our way out of Victoria we went to the Victoria Butterfly Gardens where we spent an enjoyable hour taking pictures of butterflies, birds and caterpillars, Weggie had a fun experience with a female Ibis called Spike who got quite friendly with her shoe. Picture below.
After the butterfly garden we drove on to Butchart Garden’s. After walking through the gardens for an hour we enjoyed our second High Tea, this one sadly wasn’t as good as the Tea at the Empress, but tasty all the same.
The next phase in our trip was the drive to Tofino but I’ll let Weggie tell you about that one…

Jules and I on the ferry to Victoria

Weggie and Taz in our Marshmellow Suits for Whale Watching...

Sighting of the Orca, this one is Spy Hopping, having a look around.

Flamingo at Victoria Butterfly Garden

Weggie getting friendly with Spike

One of the beautiful butterfly's at the garden

Tropical Greenhouse Garden at Butchart

High Tea at The Fairmont Empress Hotel

Weggie and I at the Butchart Garden Fountain

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